DJ Thierry

DJ Thierry (FRA) Thierry Bailleul

Thierry is above all a creative dancer who "lives" the music. Of course, he loves tango from the golden age, but what makes him vibrating is to open, enrich, mix practices toward new musical and corporeal horizons which brings him to Neo. Nice melodies, emotion and changes in rythms and intensity are thierry's music markers. 

Thierry is co-organizer of several festivals: Neo Tango Toulouse (TNT), Neo Tango Bruges (NTB), Neo Tango Amsterdam (NTA),and Neo Tango Meissen (NTM), but also the Toulouse Fusion weekend and Bruges fusion week end (Fusion dance festival). He DJ'd all over europe: Toulouse, Bruges, Amsterdam, Lyon, Rome, Athens, Gent, Meissen, Berlin, Lille, Barcelona...

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